Saturday, December 24, 2011


Why meaning?
Because as The Box (you know, The Box – that thing we try so hard to think outside of) meets its last, as the container that held us so well for so long disintegrates into the cosmic hall of fame, we enter the Brave New World of 2012 – the year the ancient Mayans couldn’t see beyond, the beginning of the 5th dimension, the world we get to co-create. And as we enter this world we have the opportunity to choose what we want to bring with us. And we want to bring meaning. We need to bring meaning.

The word “meaning” is defined as that which is intended; the purpose or significance of things, thoughts, and beliefs. Meaning encompasses both our commonality and individuality at the same time. Meaning is a reference of the heart that helps us to know and be known to one another. And somewhere along the line, it seems to have gotten lost.

The world has been trying lately. Trying our patience. Trying our resources. Trying to live up to our demands and desires. Trying to change, yet trying so hard not to change. As we tried so hard to make everything okay and let everybody win, we forgot the why of what we were doing--the meaning--and it left our amazing accomplishments empty, unsatisfying, and just plain overwhelming. Excitement gave way to impatience as we found that our New wasn’t New Enough. We became socially disconnected through technologies intended to make connection easy and available to everyone, while simultaneously becoming more globally connected than we ever knew possible. Throughout the many painful events of recent years, the Earth hurt and we hurt with it.

When humans get scared, really scared, they reach out for others. And thankfully it is in our human nature to reach back. When change happens fast it’s also natural to try and reach backwards, even as we’re being propelled forward. We tried to cling to The Box, hanging on to the sides while at the same time feeling them disintegrating in our grasp, unable to wrap our minds around the idea that “solid” things are only teeny tiny atoms and energy in constant motion making things appear to be.

So what do we do now? We need to remember, redefine, and make the choice to create or recreate the meaning of our lives and our world.

Clearly, I think too much. And believe me, not everybody can take too much of this rambling in daily conversation without excusing themselves before their heads explode. Through fate or synchronicity I noticed that more and more folks were struggling with some of these concepts and actually wanted to talk about them.

And so, this little ThinkTank! was born. Questions led to meetings and meetings led to talking and talking led to, well, this blog. It is our desire to share our mission, to reintegrate meaning into our communities and ourselves so that we work together to create a Conscious New World—something the good ol’ Box had done for us, not with us. Now, we get to play!

It is our intention to present food for thought and comment, in a multidisciplinary sharing of our ideas and yours, through art, word, music, video, or whatever else may come our way, as a small document or recording of the grand construction of a time in the world that even the ancient Mayans couldn’t see beyond. 

But we can.
Who’s down?


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